Feb 7Liked by Jillian Anthony

Your Dusty girl is beautiful. :).

And she reminds me so much of our lady cat Brit (who we lost last March).

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You can't just drop deathoverdinner like that, like it's some random niche-y link that doesn't matter. This is an awesome way to be mature about real things. I love that for us! Thanks for sharing a no-context link that got my attention because if there's food I'm interested.

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Feb 6Liked by Jillian Anthony

Jillian! I'm so glad you shared your poetry. Hearing you read that piece while we were in the WIB session was such a breath of fresh, comforting air. I'm pretty sure I said it then, and I say it again now - you've captured and communicated a dream.

So glad to follow you here after connecting briefly in WIB. Thank you for sharing your writing!

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